Monday, 26 September 2011

Introduction and First analysis

Welcome to my A2 Media Studies Coursework, where I will be creating a series of products.It will consist of research and planning followed by analysis and ending in evaluations to help me create the following products.

- Music Video
-Album CD cover front/back
- Advert for Cd/music Video

I will follow my own strict schedule to make sure all elements are created on time and with the best quality.

Goodwin found there were six Key elements to analyze video's I have used these elements to show these with the analysis of two very different music video's. In my evaluation I will then show how In my video how I have used these six key elements to do my video. 

First Analysis of music videos
I have chosen two different video’s that are seen to be two different genres, I have done this so I could establish what I would like to use with my own music video. Although these may not be my final choice they are a rough idea of what im wanting to do. Using Six key elements I have been able to analyse these two videos...
Goo Goo dolls-Iris- Alternate rock

This song has been produced by American rock band, The Goo Goo Dolls they have created a music video using six key elements to make it successful. Firstly, is the genre in keeping with the genre of rock they have followed the renowned predictability for a rock music video in that they perform in the video themselves, making them the focus of the video, this then enhances their likability within the public. Characteristics are seen from the genre of rock in this video in that it thoroughly shows the band and its instruments conveying the message of showing they are into real music this is expected from this band and video as they construct such a distinctive sound by showing these shots you can identify the genre without listening to the sound.

The second element consists of them having a multiplicity of Intertextual references, this is seen in this video as it constantly refers from clips to the film of ‘City Of Angels’ with Nicolas Cage being shot in a number of the scenes demonstrating a scene where he is seen on a skyscraper revealing shots of New York once again relating to the genre of rock as this is seen in many other videos such as 30 seconds to Mars or U2 performing on a rooftop over LA. Therefore seeing that intertextual references helped made the video massive as its now easily recognised from the iconic scenes over the rooftops into the video as like other videos 

The third element comes from the relationship between the lyrics and the video, In the music video The Goo Goo Dolls are placed on skyscrapers. There actions consist of observing the lives of others through telescopes this is linked in to the repetitive lyrics of ' and I don't want the world to see me'  showing there lyrics through conduct this helps to present a narrative to the audience. The fourth element consists of selling the artist, in this video we see the band being the majority of the focus through directly being center pull on the camera or close ups of the band members this makes them the direct focus of the audiences attention. Secondly, as it is an inter-textual reference it's promoting the band and therefore immensely recognizable in two different industries.

Furthermore, we distinguish the fifth element which is the relationship between the audio and the visuals for example the tempo,beats etc... This is seen where every time there is a heavy beat the band's actions follow with guitar sliding following the rhythm. The sixth final element relevant here is the reference of direct address, we see this via the signals of camera contact and looking directly at the audience this grabs the viewers attention and also makes a direct cultural link.