Sunday 16 October 2011

Second video analysis

John Mayer -Waiting on the World To Change - singer/songwriter
This song has been produced by singer/songwriter John Mayer, he has created his music video consisting of five key elements to make it successful. Firstly, genre in keeping with the genre of singer/songwriter he has made his video focus on the lyrics and music, instead of pyrotechnics and wow factor therefore determining him into that genre. The music is also low key and contains proper instruments as do other sing/songwriter’s videos such as, Adele all you here is the piano and voice because of this they therefore can also be classed as folk singers as well. Also determining them as a singer/songwriter as the focus is on the lyrics and meaning in this case John Mayer sings about everyone’s disregard to the current conditions in the world.

The second element consists the relationship between the lyrics and the video, In the music video ‘ Waiting for the world to Change’ the theme consists of not letting the world stay the way it is in lack of power, this is represented in the video by the characters creating ideas to change the world for the better therefore creating a narrative. The third element is selling the artist; this is done through the idea of him being seventy five percent on screen just singing, the idea of him just singing leaves the audiences mind to be endeared as well as focusing on the artist himself. This is also seen with the idea of him having a touching theme this makes him seen a decent person. The video however like most videos in this genre sell the artist to be someone who produces their own music and lyrics as they’re not  trying to be bigger and better than anyone else and therefore are subtly  attracting the audience with low key videos.

In addition, we distinguish the fourth element which is the relationship between the audio and the visuals for example the beats, this is recognised as every time there is a new scene there is a heavy beat as it features on the accent of 4/4. The fifth final element relevant here is the reference of direct address, we see this via the theme of the video and the direct attention he gives to the audience being half of the on screen focus but also dealing with sensitive issues.

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