Monday 12 December 2011

How did you construct new media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages ? 
 For my planning and research of my music video, digipak and advert I used google and google images to find images and shots of past music video's and so on. I used this to compare past videos and shots and how ideas will help mine. I learn from using this new media technology a huge variety of images and things I never knew before which I was then able to use to plan and adapt into my product an example of this would be finding Ed Sheeran's past cd cover. This helped me to compare and make sure I didn't have any copyright involved in my products but also I could see connections between his genre with other artists meaning I was able to establish my chosen artist. 

As well as google, I was able to use technology such as youtube, where I could research past music video's look at directors commentary and compare and initiate ideas for my music video. This is how I created my first idead by using new media technologies to research and plan. I learnt from using this technology how easy it was but also a=how developed technology is and able to help prepare for my music video.

After planning and researching it was essential that I started my filming, this was created by using a video camera at first which was a sony camera especially used for stop motion pictures. However, I found it hard to use this as I was in cramped conditions and the moving around and taking of frames took time and wasted precious space therefore I then was able to use my own digital camera meaning I could take continuos frames this was easier as it was cheaper with filming but easier also to do. While filming i used my Iphone to have as a video as a tv for them to watch showing intertextual references in my video this was a massive help from my phone, meaning i could increase peoples perceptions of my video.

I also used Windows movie maker for my filming instead of Final Cut express as this for me was long and fiddly as I had over 4000 photos to put into a video therefore knowing the ins and outs of Windows movie maker I was able to create a finished successful product. 

To constantly update and keep track of my information I used the website  as I kept a diary for every movement and development I made. I liked using this as I was able to keep progress of my products online and able to promote them to others.

Finally in my Evaluation pages I used the voice over of a talk text to writer a directors commentary over my video this was used with narrate on windows movie maker meaning I didn't have to use my own voice or do a boring written feedback evaluation therefore showing the new technology giving new and interesting ways to present my evaluation I enjoyed this as I learnt more about the programme. 

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