Monday 12 December 2011

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

The combination of my main product and ancillary texts has come from a number of elements. Firstly, via the aspect of colour we constantly see a link between the three products, this is from my research and planning I concluded with the theme of orange and black and showing less colour has more of an effect on appealing to the audience. I then used this research to develop my product in to making it effectively enjoyable by the audience. I set out a couple of designs to enhance this as seen below showing that orange as background and outlines was better as the black was bold and recognizable to any person. The colour orange is seen as being someone who has enthusiasm, warmth; whose vibrant, expansive, and also flamboyant. Where as the contrast of black brings the idea of power,  formality, elegance, wealth and mystery. This then disempowers the flamboyance of the orange and blends the two colours in, with the feelings of wealth and mystery the black also is a statement of selling the artist. The colours provide a message as if to say buy tickets for the tour, buy the cd and you can learn more about the artists music. I feel this then effectively promoted the artist and meant that the combination of the three products appealed to most people via the link and its recognizable of the products sold by that artist. 

As well as colour we also see the theme of typography being consistently shown throughout the products which sells the artist and people are able to identify him. The use of Courier New was used by myself on all three of the products and no other font meaning there was a link that could be easily identified. The use of courier new was one that could distinguish the artist between others, this was also identified in my research of other artists providing the same font throughout their products. There were seen in different shapes and sizes such as something as important as enhancing sales and selling the artist having his name Ed Sheeran in this font was important to make the key features come across to the audience, other things such as dates from the tour were in small fonts Cardiff June 12th so people could catch on what I was aiming to sell (tickets) . I feel I accomplished this successfully via the finished product and had an effect on appealing to the right audiences as even though it is I who created the product, it would appeal to me. Next the layout of my products worked well as a package as there was minimal design meaning there wasn't too much going on in your face, this was done by having two set colour themes laying out all headers and footers above and below; small titles being put to the side but still identifiable; making images the central focus to sell the artist. I feel I did this effectively via the combination of the three products using layout to have a theme set out of less is more and making the colour and images more of low key factor. These then are combined to communicate a specific selling point of the artist and thats his one of a kind look, he's something new, fresh and different in this world showing this through the layout was done to publish the main different ideas before the predictable ones of an artist. 

Finally the mise en scene which was a big part of my three products. Was seen with the images on the Cd cover, video and advert all having the lego which in its self is fully mise en scene. The Cd cover was able to illustrate a representation of the artist with the scenes I produced in my video meaning people could relate the two together. The advert showed mise en scene with an indication of what is to come with his music with the lego character being a central focus. The video its self meant I could focus on selling the artists lyrics and his music.  I feel the effect that using mise en scene in my three products and using it the way I did, it meant that the person could relate to the three products in being of the same bandwidth.

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