Sunday, 27 November 2011

Advert analysis

Genre: Red Hot chili Peppers are fitted into the genre of Rock music, this advert represents the era of when rock music was popular by using the theme of bright colours.  Rock music is also presented to the audience via the idea of the image of a symbol from a drum kit this is positioned in the central focus of the advert, this makes it the initial understanding of what the advert is selling the artist and rock music. 

Typography: The typography in this advert is where the large title the header is in a bold font, and continuously in capital letters, this is followed by the rest of the name of the band in a simple white outlined black font. Not making a distraction from the rest of the advert but instead blending in. 

Selling the artist: Is seen throughout this advert with the main 4 artists being on the focus of the advert with them all in different colours, you also see the image being a posed shot making it easier for the artists to direct           themselves at the audience. It presents a direct culture link to the audience.  

                                                                                Tour and gigs advert
Genre: This genre consists of a vaierty of music as we can see Example being dubstep, pop, dance music and alternative. This is resembled in his advert for a tour where we see three colours emerging from this advert representing each style of music. The yellow presents dance music with its luminous colours, its bold and familiar. The black presents dubstep as we hear heavy beats, the music becomes dark like the colour of black. The third colour of white brings simplicity and the genre of pop

Typography: The typography in this  tour advert is in a couple of different sizes due to the importance of each section. The words don't have to be so big as the colour makes most of the writing noticeable, its in a simple font and his artist name 'Example' is in his recognizable font distinguishing him from everyone else. 

Selling the artist:  he artist as you can see is the main feature of the advert this helps sell the artist.This is as well as his name making himself the center focus of this advert. 

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