Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Planning schedule for work

Initial filming shots, for introduction, non-soundtrack.
Second scene of Lego bricks building a house. With figure inside
Start 2nd verse with filming continue this for 3 days
Re-film the same but developed scenes of the chorus.
Edit the chorus and fit in with the verse
Editing, music for video.
Snow scene, practise and execute then film.

Finish editing and have a peer to watch
Lay out first scene of, Lego figure walking out of Lego house
Film three short sections of chorus. Broken Lego, snow storm, walking lego.

When all filming is completed start editing first verse and add to music
Collect feedback and finish music video by 18/11 ready for other elements of coursework.
Editing and Filming is taken place during spare hours as well as the lessons I have for Media, this consists of three days a week for 5 weeks representing that my video should be finished by November 18th ready to finish the other elements of my coursework which can then further be finished for the evaluation.

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